Asshole credits - Become asshole neutral for a cost!

Are you an asshole but still want to do your part? Our company helps YOU offset being an asshole!

The formula is simple:

Step1: You act like an asshole as much as you want. Maybe even try a few things here and there to be less of an asshole instead of not being an asshole altogether.

Step2: You buy an AssholeCredit(tm) from us based on a formula we calculate that will help offset you being an asshole!

Step3: A majority of your money goes into research to very seriously help reduce the number of assholes in the world through paid therapy sessions and funding research into why people are assholes.

At the end of the day the amount of assholeness in the world WILL be reduced by your offset credit. Do your part today and feel free to be an asshole guilt free!


Brad Chadinton says "I was being a complete asshole to my server at this restaurant I was at. They were pretty offended at how much of an asshole I was, but I pointed out how many AssholeCredit(tm) I have and they nodded their head and told me I was helping do God's work. I'd say thanks, but why?"